Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sick of Being Sick!

Well my intentions of posting at least four times a week were derailed pretty quickly. We have been sick. Madeline (will be 3 in April) has an ear infection and Zella (13 mo.) is teething. She's getting six teeth at once! Poor thing. Let's just say I haven't had much sleep in the last week and a half.

So I hope to get back on track.

I went to a grocery store in the next town over (did I mention i live in the middle of nowhere Iowa?) and they had a great deal on Multigrain Cheerios. They are normally $4 a box but were on sale for 2/$400. Woo hoo! I bought 12 boxes. So exciting.

I'm working on some new posts so check back soon. Happy budgeting!

Monday, January 21, 2008

There have been times when I have menu planned but I never really stuck with it. Usually because hubby (or myself) didn't feel like eating /cooking what was planned. I also never incorporated leftovers into the plan and ended up wasting a lot.

I'm joining Laura's Menu Plan Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Here is my attempt at menu planning for two adults and two young children:

Breakfasts: (will repeat themselves...I have a picky 2 year old!)

cereal, banana, milk

peanut butter toast, apple, milk

oatmeal, juice


mac and cheese, pears, milk

turkey sandwich with cheese, yogurt, pretzels

chicken nuggets, peas, apple slices

tuna fish, peaches, cottage cheese

peanut butter & jelly (what my daughter wants for every meal!)



crackers and string cheese

fruit bars

fruit snacks



tacos, refried beans, spanish rice


spaghetti with italian sausage, butter baked carrot sticks, garlic bread


beefy biscuit cups (with sauce/sausage leftovers), lettuce salad, pears


smoked chicken, mixed vegetables, cranberries


homemade pizza


crockpot chicken spaghetti (we will be out of town for a work will be at home with MIL)


pork chops and stuffing, green bean casserole, peaches/cottage cheese
Woo hoo! I'm excited. I'm trying to use up stuff in the freezer/pantry and I think this menu will help me accomplish this.
I can't wait to check out other menus.
Until next time,

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Keeping up with the Jones

We are trying to face our financial situation this year. It's touch to admit you've made mistakes. It's also tough to admit you know better. It's easy to get caught in the trap of buying now, paying later. After all, don't your neighbors/friends/co-workers all have new clothes, nice cars, huge homes? Don't you deserve these things as well?

We're learning it's not worth the price. We have been living above our means and for what? Sleepless nights worrying about money? Arguments with your spouse over who bought what?

We are learning that budgeting (especially on one income) requires making some tough choices. What tough choices are you making to stick to your financial goals?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Personal Budget Calculator

So I've been searching the internet for a free budget program. I wasn't having much luck until I found the personal budget calculator download at Free Financial Advice. The formulas are already there which is awesome! It isn't all-inclusive, but you can customize it to add the categories you need.

What type of budgeting software do you use?


Hello. I'm glad you found me! My husband and I are in debt and trying to stop living above our means. I'm currently working on a budget and am struggling to estimate our expenses. We're going to keep receipts so we can see what we're actually spending.

Any advise?